This website does NOT use cookies!
We don't track preferences; we won't try to sell you stuff; we won't sell or
give your details to anybody else who might try. We don't keep computer
records; members details are only held on paper scraps kept safely in our
houses. (I suppose some of the more modern members might keep contact
details in their 'smart' 'phones?) Of course, for league games, we are obliged
to give results to the NSDCA. Playing is consent.
Here's the policy :
The information we obtain about our members is provided by them directly. We do not collect personal data simply as a result of a person visiting our website.
The personal data we obtain is only used to:
Obtain payment of membership fees to fund the club
Identify members of the ECF and enrol club members as members of the ECF (English Chess Federation)
Register members to play in competitions organized by the NSDCA (North Staffs District Chess Association), other local chess organisations or the ECF
Communicate with members to pass on relevant information and to organize teams for the competitions in which the club participates
Submit results of matches played in competitions to the ECF for grading purposes
We hold personal data for as long as a person is a member of the club and for a reasonable time thereafter
Unless required by law we do not sell, rent or share personal data with third parties.
Members can at any time ask for copies of the data we hold about them. If a member provides information about another person it is their responsibility to ensure that the other person has given their explicit consent to the processing of that data.
If a person has concerns or complaints about the data held about them they should contact the Secretary of the club for resolution.